ذرائع پر مبنی فقہی اصول و قواعد اور عصرِحاضر میں ان کی تطبیقات

Sources based jurisprudential principles and rules and their applications in the current era


  • Muhammad Ziaullah Lecturer in Arabic, Department of Islamic & Arabic Studies, Government Associate College, Bin Hafiz Ji District, Mianwali


jurisprudence, principles, Zarae, Applications, Current era


Resources) Zarae (are of special importance in the methods of Ijtihad. Resources that lead to higher goals or help in achieving them are required, these resources will be utilized. In the same way, the Resources which lead to corruption, or the sayings and deeds which are intended to spread immorality, denial and sedition, are considered forbidden. Zarae is one of an effective tool for eliminating crime in Islamic law. This principle can keep away the offender from committing a crime from society because this principle not only encourages the elimination of the causes of crime and the blocking of its paths but also sets forth the rules and regulations for its prevention in precautionary arrangements.


