اسلامی تعلیمات کی روشنی میں معلم ومتعلم کا باہمی تعلق(ایک تحقیقی جائزہ)

The Relationship between Teacher and Student in the light of Islamic Teachings (A Research Review)


  • Andleeb Arshad M Phil Scholar. Department of Islamic Studies, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur ,Rahim yar Khan Campus, Punjab, Pakistan


Islam, Relationship, Teacher, Student, Information, Life, Judiciary, Army, Politics, Bureaucracy, Health, Culture, Education, Journalism


The relationship between the teacher and the student is very important in the educational process .Respect between the teacher and the student to recognize the treasure of information to each other, a sign, an identity and recognition, a bank of knowledge that transmits knowledge from generation to generation.Students want to quench their thirst for knowledge by absorbing everything, so that they do not feel thirsty throughout their life. All professions of life are born from the womb of teaching.Any field of life be it judiciary, army, politics, bureaucracy, health, culture, education or journalism all reflect the skills of a teacher.If there is justice, balance and harmony in the above-mentioned departments, then this is a part of the teachings of the righteous teachers and if there is any defect in the teachings of the teachers and any element against decency and humanity, then that society is full of bribery, unrest and anger.

The mouth becomes a talking picture.The teacher has been given the title of architect of the nation because of his key role in building a righteous society.A teacher is the custodian of the good values ​​of the society and also the means of transmitting these values ​​to the future generations.If the teachers neglect their duties even a little bit, then the foundations of the society will be destroyed and the society will become a picture of selfishness and selfishness and present a model of hell.


