الإيثَار وأثرہ علی الإنسان بحیثیۃ الإیجابیۃ فی ضوء القرآن الکریم

Altruism and its impact on man in a positive manner in the light of the Holy Quran


  • Dr. Shaista Firduos Department of Arabic The Islamia University of Bahawalpur , Punjab, Pakistan

الكلمات المفتاحية:

Arabic Literature، Huma، Altruism، Positive Manner، Eloquence، Holy Quran


The heavenly books in general and the Qur’an in particular mentioned man more than once and in various places, and a Surah is also named after “Al-Insan” that includes the elements of man. The researcher cannot search the Holy Qur’an and all its interpretations in view of his ability in the sufficiency of sciences, the shortening of time and the wideness of field of research.

The first, for the sake of understanding and education, and man is in dire need of knowledge of his substance and components from which he was created, in order to feel the continuity of man. Therefore, we must know what are the elements and materials from which man was created. The Qur’an has facilitated the way for us to learn about it, and it is self-evident that these components were not exposed to them, if the Qur’an and other heavenly books have not exposed it, the mind and human perception would come to it, and questions about these elements are as follows:

What are the elements of man? In terms of what it is, and trying to find it, and with knowledge it suffers with, rather it is impossible to reach it because the mind is before the arrival of the law and its help is not independent to determine what is in the interest and what is in it that is harmful and corrupt:

"Read in the name of your Lord who created - He created man from a clot of blood."

This verse concerned itself with the components of man and is considered the first verse exposed to the narration of the components of man according to the majority of commentators, it is the first verse revealed to the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him (and it contains a warning about the beginning of creation from a clot, and that from His generosity, He taught man what he did not know, so He honored and privileged him, and this is the fate that distinguished (Abul-Bariyyah) Adam over the angels, and sometimes knowledge is in the minds and sometimes it is in the tongue, and sometimes it is in writing with eloquence, so it is mental, verbal and formal.


