تأثير أشهر الأدباء النثر و الشعر من أهل العراق

The Influence of the most famous writers of prose and poetry from the People of Iraq


  • Farzana Habib Department of Arabic, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur , Punjab, Pakistan
  • Pro. Dr. Hafiz Shafiq ur Rahman Professor Department of Arabic, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur , Punjab, Pakistan

الكلمات المفتاحية:

Arabic literature، prose، Human، poetry، Iraq، Influence، novelist


This topic is very important because it will show the influence of Arabic literature in Iraq, which is like the sea, and literary celebrities have been influenced by different Islamic movements and different religious viewpoints. Such as the Islamic sects that arose in Iraq during the era in the second half of the twentieth century, and others

If it is permissible for us to divide the history of Iraqi literature into stages or stations, in the aspect related to the story and the novel in particular, We stop at four main stations, during which he reflected the features of each stage and tried to express them, according to the diligence of every storyteller or novelist.

The first was the establishment stage that accompanied contemporary Iraq’s view of the world with another eye. After it became a state with modern institutions that reflect the reality of a country that emerged from the midst of about 6 centuries of loss, and cast a heavy shadow over people's lives in general. It goes without saying that the beginnings of the art of the story and the novel were at the hands of a specific generation of pioneers, led by Mahmoud Ahmed Al-Sayed, who published the first Iraqi novel entitled “Jalal Khaled” in 1928, during which he broadcast his existential questions about man, death and life according to what he experienced and was influenced by the ideas of his time. . After that, fictional and nonfiction works that expressed the reality of Iraq during the stage of monarchy, which matured into a different cultural reality, as a result of the emergence of a middle class and a cultural and journalistic milieu preoccupied with political concern, followed. ، In an attempt to reform it away from the sharp ideological influences, although they existed, they remained limited until the end of World War II, which also represents the second stage in the life of Iraqi literature.


