Research Overview on Marriage and Revocation of Marriage


  • Qayyum Bibi Visiting Lecturer, The Islamia University Bahawalpur Pakistan


Marriage, Revocation, Breaking, Dar-ul-Qaza, Shariah, Husband, Jurisprudence, Judge


The institution of the family commences with the sanctified and sacred contract of marriage between a man and a woman. The success of both familial and societal structures hinges significantly on the integrity of this contract. Consequently, Shariah law places immense importance on marriage, establishing specific terms and conditions to ensure its sustainability and to provide mechanisms for its dissolution under unavoidable circumstances, thereby reinforcing the family's stability. The revocation of marriage refers to the dissolution of the marital bond. When a woman petitions a Dar-ul-Qaza or Shariah Panchayat for the annulment of her marriage, citing reasons documented in jurisprudential texts, the judge evaluates the petition. Upon deeming the request valid, the judge initiates due process proceedings, ultimately leading to the annulment of the marriage. According to Shariah, this annulment is permissible and carries no stigma or abomination.


